Sunday 31 July 2016

Gibbs Gets BOV at Longview

It's been a while since we've been in the show ring at Longview, but the absence was made all the fonder by Gibb's success. Here he is, keeping a strong paw on his BOV and Group 2 rosettes in the Owner Handler series.

Ruby Finds a New Home

Our 9-month-old puppy Maggical Ring of Fire (Ruby) has just been placed with Kat Patrick in the Austin, Texas, area.
Kat Patrick pictured with Ruby

Kat has recently moved from England, bringing with her a couple of English Toy Terriers. One of them unfortunately passed away soon after arriving, so she was looking for a companion for her 2-year-old little girl.

It turns out that the pedigree of Kat's dog, Bonnie, includes our own Maggical export, Am Ch A Sorcerer's Tale of Maggical Paws at Amalek who we sent over to the UK in 2005. "Merlin" is her great-grandfather on one side, and great-great-grandfather on the other.

Now Ruby and her new friend Bonnie are having a grand time "larking about together" (a British term for playing around).

Here's a great photo of them. Notice the difference between Bonnie's very English-style head on the left, and Ruby's classic American head on the right.

Bluebonnet Dreaming Spires at Texangals (Bonnie, on left)
Maggical Ring of Fire (Ruby, on right)